Test Info

Treasure Bull Test Sale

April 16, 2024

Western Livestock Auction

Great Falls, MT


The test will be located at Muddy Creek Farm Yard, LLC (MCFY) in Vaughn, MT. The lot is located at 279 US Hwy 89 Vaughn, MT under the management of Matt Otto.

~ The bulls will be fed a high roughage ration of protein, highly digestible fiber, chelated mineral supplement, vitamins and corn as an energy source developed by MCFY and MCFY’s nutritionist to gain 3 lbs. per head per day.


~ TBT is a 112-day performance test measuring ADG and WDA. Weights will be taken at 56 and 112 days for indexes and ratios.

~ TBT Index will be measured by nursing ratio, yearling ratio, and gain ratio (NR 1/3, YR 1/3 and GR 1/3). Bulls will be sold in order of their TBT Index. TBT has the right to reorder the top 25% of bulls.

~ The nursing ratio will have a max of 115. Embryo transfer calves and twins will use the dam’s average wean ratio for calculations in the TBT Index.

~ All bulls must pass a Breeding Soundness Exam (Structural Soundness, Scrotal Measurement, Semen Evaluation) by a veterinarian. They must also have an actual scrotal circumference of at least 32 cm.

~ TBT has the right to refuse entry or remove from the test any bull that is deemed unacceptable for health, soundness, structural issues, feet issues, disposition, performance, scurs, etc.

~ Only the Top 70% to 75% of the bulls based off the TBT Index sell! Along with meeting this percentage the bulls must a strict standard for soundness, docility, and visual eye appeal.

~ Awards will be given for Champion ADG, WDA, Sire Group, TBT Index and Youth (Must be 18 yrs old and younger to be eligible). As always there is also the Russ Pepper TBT Jackpot competition.

~ The goal of the TBT is to provide high quality performance tested “Cowboy Kind“ Black Angus Bulls. TBT feels “Cowboy Kind” are bulls that are athletic, masculine, long sided, deep middled, and heavily muscled that stand on a thick stifle, lots of bone and have solid, sound feet.

~ Space is limited. Call or email to check test availability.